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本次 g0v 年會將在 2016 年 5 月 14-15 日,於台北中央研究院召開。
g0v 社群運作近四年了,從一開始,g0v 零時政府社群以數位世代的思維,以開源方式號召群眾參與,著手開發新工具、嘗試新組織型態、建立新合作關係。在太陽花學運後,透過 g0v 的開放特性作為平台,社群更積極以科技促進政府透明化,吸引更多不同議題參與者,也由大小黑客松推動了新媒體、群眾參與的實驗能量,是一連串拆開舊作法找尋新路的過程。
在開放、透明、參與已經成為熱門關鍵字的今日,g0v 秉持著開源模式、行動主義、公民精神繼續前行,我們也歷經了台灣社會與民主的新變化。2016 年,台灣迎接一個全新的政府、群眾參與方興未艾、新媒體前仆後繼,在各種實驗、摸索中,找到跨領域交流的方式。
分享實務經驗,進而實質造成改變,是我們期待在 g0v Summit 2016 展開的對話。
今年我們將再次舉辦 g0v Summit 零時政府 2016 高峰會,希望能成為運用科技與群眾參與改變社會的交流平台。我們誠摯的邀請關注以下議題的各方,無論過去是否有參與 g0v,都歡迎投稿。
- Administration 政府行政
- Crowd 群募與眾包
- Oversight 監督政府
- Participatory Democracy 參與式民主
- Activism and Mobilization 社會運動與動員
- New Media 新媒體
- Citizen Science 公民科學
- Disaster 災防
- Care and Welfare 照護
- Environment 環境
- Education 教育與開放教材
- Art & Design 藝術與設計
- Anything related to Open Collaboration and Civic Tech 其他與開放協作、公民科技相關的主題
每個講題時間為 30 分鐘,如果有多個性質相似的講題,也可能改以座談形式進行。
徵稿時間為 1/12 - 2/22,我們將在 2月29日通知並公布結果。
This year's g0v Summit will take place in May 14-15, 2016 at Taipei's Academia Sinica.
The g0v community has been running for almost four years. From the outset, we have adopted the thinking of the digital generation and used an open source approach to facilitate mass participation, develop new tools, experimenting with new organizational patterns, and establish new partnerships.
After the Sunflower Student Movement in 2014, g0v community has, through its open nature, actively used technologies to promote government transparency and attract participants on different topics. Through hackathons of various sizes, we have experimented with new modes of media and participation, forming a series of processes that replace old practices with new pathways.
Fork and Merge
"Openness", "Transparency" and "Participation" have become popular keywords. The global civic tech communities are experimenting with mass participation, new media forms and making better use of data, which is essentially "forking" the government like a open source movement. We would like to see how these processes and practices can be sustainably "merged" into daily governance, as well as having the interdisciplinary conversation about these changes and impacts.
Calling for Speakers
For this year's summit, we hope that it will become a communication platform to enable people to take part in social change. We sincerely invite and welcome old and new participants who are interested in the following topics to send us their submissions, so that we can combine our strengths and become a united force for practical change:
- Administration
- Crowd
- Oversight
- Participatory Democracy
- Activism and Mobilization
- New Media
- Citizen Science
- Disaster
- Care and Welfare
- Environment
- Education
- Art & Design
- Anything related to Open Collaboration and Civic Tech
The time of each topic is 30 minutes. If there are many similarly themed discussion topics, we may also adjust the format to a panel.
The submission period is 1/12 - 2/22. We will notify and publish the results on February 29.
To submit a proposal, click "Reserve Now" below and fill in introduction to speaker, title, and abstract.
Traveling and accommodation
We have limited funding for travel and accommodation for overseas speakers. If you have other funding sources, we would be happy to list the funding organization as a sponsor of the event.